Domestic Update: Peacock Palace is Completed. This is a major milestone. Yesterday Cesar and the workmen finished up the Peacock Palace. I think it came out really nice. Mrs. PJM came home yesterday to find the job was complete, and she was delighted. We moved Lovie and the Chicks into the palace, and they were happy to get out of the little cage. Now, after reading up on peacocks, I am told we need to leave them closed up in there for 6 months for them to learn that this is their home. We will build a little pen behind the palace, all enclosed in hail screen. This will allow them to walk out the little back door of the palace, and have a little area to walk around in outside. I have to say the peacocks were a great move on my part, and has doubtlessly gained my many points with Mrs. PJM.
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