This picture was taken in 1872, and shows First Lady Julia Dent Grant, with husband Ulysses, and son Jesse. They had 4 children, but here they are posed only with one. The picture was taken during Grant’s first term in office.
Domestic Update: I think I had mentioned that I was going to get chickens, since Mrs. PJM loves eggs for breakfast. I figured 10 chickens would do the trick. When I went to order the chicken, I found that they can only ship in batches of at least 25. The lady said they had to ship at least that many for the chicks to stay warm during shipping. Then I heard my neighbor wanted to get chickens, and was having the same problem. I went over and talked to her, and she said indeed she was getting a chicken order up. I don’t know much about chickens, so just looked at what she was ordering. I put my name in for 10 of what she was ordering. That was a couple of weeks ago. Well, yesterday she came over, and said she did not have a computer. She did have the chicken list, and asked if I would order them since I had a computer. Well, I took the list, and come to find out everyone in town was going in on the Great Chicken Order of ‘09. Well, I placed ! the order for the 67 chicks, in about 14 different varieties. I am starting to get a bad feeling about this. I am worried whether people will pick their chickies up in a timely manner when they come in. Mrs. PJM was not too pleased about this, as she thinks in the end she will have to sort it all out.
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