Though she came to the press conference two hours late, dressed in red and flashing her engagement ring, Rakhi Sawant took questions from the media in Mumbai on August 3, with fiance Elesh Parujanwala by her side, whom she had chosen the night before through her reality show “Rakhi Ka Swayamvar”.

However, for a brief moment she was left stumped when a TV journalist asked about her first marriage.

“No comments,” said Rakhi, taking a deep breath. However, she did not deny it, as one would expect.

This has given rise to fresh speculation as to whether the story about her being already married, which was broken two years ago by a TV news channel, is actually true.

In October 2007, it was claimed by a channel that…. Rakhi had been briefly married to a guy named Ashraf in 2004. Apparently, Ashraf had even financed the “Pardesia” music video that shot her to fame.

But the marriage had lasted for two-three months.

Ashraf was accused of fraud and went to jail. Meanwhile Rakhi also found out that he was married and had a kid. It was said Ashraf’s family even harassed her for money. She had simply been taken for a ride!

What is good for Rakhi though is that her fiancé Elesh is a broad-minded guy who feels past is done and gone. Even he had six girlfriends in the past, he has said.

“We are open to each other; our past has come and gone. Everyone goes through a bad phase and we both had a bad phase in our personal lives,” the couple said to the media.

Rakhi also made it clear that she is not leaving India for Elesh.

“More power to her. I let her do what she likes. I have also shifted my base to Mumbai,” said Elesh.

It is no secret that Rakhi has really struggled to get to her present position so it’s only fair that she enjoys the fruits of her labour. We wish her all the happiness as she starts a new phase in her life.