We had to cross over two long bridges to get to the Outer Banks - this was the first one…
…and this was the 2nd one - the white stripe there on the horizon are sand dunes
A friendly sign at the visitor center welcomes you to the Outer Banks
We had to make a quick decision - which way to chose :)
We entered the National Seashore Park on Cape Hatteras
We’ve visited the Bodie Island Lighthouse:

The current Bodie Island Lighthouse is the third that has stood in this vicinity of Bodie Island on the Outer Banks in North Carolina and was built in 1872. It stands 156 feet tall and is located on the Roanoke Sound side of the first island that is part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The lighthouse is just south of Nag’s Head, a few miles before Oregon Inlet. It is currently not climbable by the public, but plans are in place to make it safe for climbing.

I love this sometimes scurrilous but stunning architecture in these beach houses that you can see all over the island. And the cars are parked in the sand beside the street.

Hi my friends,

thanks for all your visit to my blog and all the wonderful comments. :)

We will be leaving tomorrow, heading back to the cool mountains of NC with a lot of fresher air than here on the beach…LOL.. is this a sign of getting older - or what…?…LOL… it’s way to HOT for us here and the mosquitoes are eating me up like crazy - it’s no fun….!

Stay with me…. see you there! :)

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