This picture was taken in 1917, and shows a woman at a suffrage protest. The women were protesting the recent arrest and incarceration of some of their fellow protesters. I find it interesting that just about every person in every picture this week was wearing a hat. I wonder if hats will ever come back in style.
Domestic Update: No progress on the peacock palace. The workers are still waiting on the metal roof. Once that comes in, they should be able to finish up in a day I think. I would say that this is only a minor setback. Mrs. PJM appears to still be very happy, and I am still basking in the glow of this whole peacock project. If asked to rate where I stand these day, I would put it at 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. Why just a 9 you ask? Well, last night over dinner Mrs. PJM mentioned that maybe I should call the plumber and have that sink in the utility room fixed. She was nice about it, but I can see that the peacock distraction will only work for so long, and I need to get back on that project. Understand that it is not like I am just sitting around doing nothing. About a month ago my computer got a very ugly virus. There was no way to get rid of it. No matter what I did, it would reinstall itself after a few days. I ! finally bought two completely new hard drives, and reinstalled everything from scratch. This got rid of the virus, but then my computer was running very, very slow. I tried everything possible. I reinstalled every new driver imaginable, but could not get it working right. Finally, I figured out that the video card was going out, and by replacing the card, the computer started running fast again. So, my computer is back at peak performance. Now, I need to start thinking about getting around to the sink project.
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