Growing up in Texas, I grew up loving hunting. I got my first BB gun when I was six years old. I would hunt birds with it. The rule around my house was that if you were ALWAYS responsible with the BB gun, at age 11 you could purchase a 22. With a 22 I could hunt rabbits and other varmints. A little later I was able to get a 410 shotgun, and then on up to a deer rifle. When I was in High School and College, there was nothing I liked more than going deer hunting. I loved being out early with my friends, and all the things that went along with hunting. When I moved to New Mexico, I was no longer able to hunt, since I did not have a place there to hunt. Now that I am back, I don’t hunt. It is funny in that all the other things about hunting still appeal to me, but for some reason, I just don’t want to shoot a deer. I am in favor of hunting, and am all for people who hunt, I just personally no lo! nger want to kill a deer. Maybe I am getting soft in my old age.
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