DOMESTIC UPDATE: The Chickies have Landed.
I think I had mentioned last summer that I ordered a batch of baby chicks. I wanted 10, but the minimum order was 50. The reason is that with that many, they keep each other warm in shipping, and arrive all peeping. Well, the post office called yesterday morning, and said the chickies had arrived. Luckily my neighbor is one of the people who wanted some of the chickens, so she went and picked them up. She also remembered everyone who was in on the deal. So, when I got over to my neighbors house yesterday, the chickens had pretty much been sorted out. She gave me money that the people had given her. I don’t remember how much the total order was, since it has been some time since I placed it, so I have no way of knowing if I ended up square on the deal, but that is OK since in the end I got my chickies. Since they were shipped by priority overnight federal express, the shipping was a lot . . . almost as much as the chickens. I am not sure anyone calc! ulated the shipping into what they paid me.
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