I really like this picture. It was taken in 1884, and shows a Nebraska Farm Family. I like the ingenious set up they have for water . . . they actually built part of the house AROUND the windmill. This would allow them to have water in the house, and the warmth of the house would prevent the base of the windmill from freezing in very cold weather.
This had to be a very hard life. It would take a lot of firewood in the winter to keep things warm, and this was before the days of chainsaws. Also, notice that there are no trees around. So, I am not exactly sure how they got the wood for cooking and keeping warm. The house does appear to be a very nice house for the day. Notice the modern looking roof, and glass windows.
Domestic Update: Energy production was off yesterday by about 50%. I think it might be the weeds growing up around the base of the solar system. This would indicate I need a tractor to keep the area clean. The other possibility is that it rained and was cloudy all day. Hopefully the sun will be out today, getting production back up to expected value. The wind turbine should help on cloudy days like yesterday.
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