
Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved;
no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media. . .
.Pasadena. During my youth in Southern California I used to camp,
hike, and go to the snow in the Angeles National Forrest in the
mountains high above Pasadena California. I have many happy memories
of those excursions with friends. Coming down and heading back home
after camping, tobogganing, or a day hike to the falls into Devils
Canyon we would all pile into the Salt Shaker in Pasadena, an Armet &
Davis designed "Googie" style coffee shop that screamed mid century
modern. Now, my mom always said Pasadena was more town & country "old
money," a more established and well off area than the mixture of
tract homes and orange groves that made up most of Orange County
where we lived, just southwest of LA. Pasadena was East of LA,
inland, near the base of the mountains we often couldn't see for the
smog. Thank goodness that's a thing of the past.

When I came across this Pasadena Place NE street sign in the U
District here in Seattle, I thought about that long ago place and
time, of past Rose Parades down Colorado Boulevard, long necked palm
trees craning over buildings to view the nearby mountain peaks, field
trips to the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. But what mostly
came to mind was the present amazing group of Pasadena area bloggers
whose sites I love to visit and the camaraderie they have built in
cyberspace and beyond. This is a special shout out to *Petrea of
Pasadena Daily Photo* [2], *Laurie of Glimpses of South Pasadena* [3],
and *Ben of The Sky is Big in Pasadena* [4], and all their regular
commenters and fellow area bloggers that make reading and visiting
those sites so enjoyable. Beautiful photography, stellar writing, cute
dogs and kids, and always good humor, great heart and social
conscience, eyes for important detail, and a knack for highlighting
insanely interesting stories about the community, current events,
many, many talented residents, the architectural heritage, the
schools, colleges, places of worship and businesses, the history and
the present tense, and that gorgeous city hall that I never tire of
seeing portrayed in a zillion ways. And you'll never find a run on
sentence like the one you just read. They are articulate, passionate
writers. I hope you will treat yourself to a visit to each of these
blogs (listed in my sidebar), and those of their area friends.
Something very special awaits. [5] [6] [7]

[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/seattledailyphoto/5353649841/
[2] http://pasadenadailyphoto.blogspot.com/
[3] http://southpasadena.blogspot.com/
[4] http://theskyisbig.blogspot.com/
[5] http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/blogspot/DJqR?a=_7gc6xrrBKI:ytknJRzCSs4:qbPY7dlNVwQ
[6] http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/blogspot/DJqR?a=_7gc6xrrBKI:ytknJRzCSs4:n0Gg7nOwtDE
[7] http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/blogspot/DJqR?a=_7gc6xrrBKI:ytknJRzCSs4:63t7Ie-LG7Y