A new Post "Huaxi - Secret Of China's Richest Village" was written on the 2011/01/13 at 00:21 on "Articles Directory !".

Huaxi, The Richest Village In China, located in east China's Jiangsu
Province. It's a village where everyone has all the luxury that life
can offer such as a huge house, a car (Beemers, Benzs, etc.), free
cooking oil, clothes, healthcare, etc. All they have to do is work 7
days a week for the village industrial operations, milling steel or
some such industry. Only one condition is that you can never leave. If
you do, you lose everything. But just to make it easier to stay,the
city has built replicas of the Eiffel Tour, the Sydney Opera House,
and the Arc de Triumf to bring the world to it's doorstep. This
reminds me of the song Hotel California - "You can check out anytime
you like but you can never leave".
This amazing 8-minute video will help clear your curiosity.
See the Video after the Jump

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