No wonder people say: The Brice Canyon is breathtaking

Hi my friends,
Grand Canyon - Brice Canyon and all the other pretty places we went trough…. I have seen now so many beautiful and amazing landscape in our pretty soon 4 moths of traveling and every state here in the U.S. has his own beauty to share with us. I’m often totally overwhelmed about the beauty of America - and about the size too…LOL…
We are just now almost in Salt Lake City in Utah. I like this green state with its still snow covered mountains and with all the green valleys. It’s very special!
Dave is still recovering from his bronchitis, but he is getting better every day, so we have to move on a little bit slower as usual, heading probably up to Montana - slowly, one day we will be there….
Thanks for all your kind comments and visits, I appreciate every single one!
Stay tuned with me…
Susanne and David
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