Here comes Mr. Custer in his original 1914 Case Tractor . . . one of only 3 in the country still in pristine running condition. He is a very bad man. He drives it by my house to torment me, tooting his little horn and everything.
Another shot of Mr. Custer and his tractor. He also has horses, and all types of cool things. He is my nemesis, as he somehow convinced his wife to let him get this marvelous machine.
Yes, Mr. Custer follows me around in his tractor.
“Brother Doug”, a former State Trooper turned Southern Baptist Preacher. A fiery preacher. I am talking “Old School” here. Members of the First Baptist Church of Christoval can always expect an inspirational, no-nonsense message . . . well prepared, and well delivered. Also, I would suggest a man not to be toyed with.
Christoval Boy Scouts proudly carry US and Texas Flags down Main Street. Hmmm . . . just once I would like to see one of those idiots on TV burn a flag here. Folks would not take kindly to it, I tell you.
Christoval has a Volunteer Fire Department. In case of fire, the fire whistle blows, and the boys drive to the Fire Station, and depart in this well maintained, “vintage” fire engine. The Christoval VFD is made up of many dedicated men, volunteering their time.
Note to Self: Add Lamas to the Birthday wishlist.
Did I mention that of the 400 people in Christoval, 399 of them have a Tractor? Note to Self: Next time Mrs. PJM asks for the flags to be taken down at 1:00 AM, get up and do it.
I think this guy is smirking at me as he goes by in his shiny new John Deere Tractor, with front end loader. I bet he has all the attachments. I am green with envy. I will get my tractor, Oh yes, I will get my tractor.
I am really getting tired of this guy. Wherever I go he follows me in his original 1914, one of only three in the country, Case Tractors. He will rue the day when I get my Buffalo. Yes, he will rue the day. Hmm, wonder if he can tell me the secret of women? How did he convince her to let him get this. Note to Self: Stop making rude gestures at Mr. Custer, and see if he will advise on convincing women tractors are needed.
No Gasoline? No Problem. In Christoval you are as likely to see people on horses, as in a car. Note to Self: Add a fine pair of ponies to the Birthday wish list.
Oh, now this guy is really showing off. Him and his little John Deere Gator. I think he should just grow up. Note to Self: Add John Deere Gator to Birthday Wish List. Additional Note to Self: Ask Mrs. PJM tonight before bedtime is she would like flags lowered just in case wind blows.
OK, this is the little abandoned miniature donkey Mrs. PJM saw at the vets office yesterday when she had to take little Elmo in for an ear ache. She came back really talking about this little feller. Note to Self: Try to talk Mrs. PJM into adopting this little guy . . . then say he needs a buffalo to not get lonely.

OK, what can I say? You pretty much know all about my little town. About all I can say is that if you don’t live here, well, I feel sorry for you. Small town America is still alive and well. Also, you can see that I have my work cut out for me. My Birthday is less than a month away, and the list has gotten longer. Note to Self: Make dinner for Mrs. PJM tonight, and then take her out dancing at the Toenail Trail dance.
Living Large, in Christoval Texas!
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