I don’t think there’s much more to say about Megs, but Gawker summed it up perfectly this morning:
We wanted to like her. But as we’ve become more and more exposed to her with the passage of time we’ve come to find her, well, pretty fucking grating, intolerably insufferable, the complete and total embodiment of everything wrong with a whiny-ass generation of privilege that wants, no expects, everything to just fall right into their precious little laps without having to do shit to earn whatever it is they desire.
So Meghan’s out there calling bitches out in her Daily Beast column, painfully attempting to enter into the punditry, signing “high six figure” book deals, dropping F-bombs on Twitter, and acting like a cunt-y diva at gala events, all on the back of her father’s name. So what’s the deal with Meghan McCain? What is it that she’s angling for here. Does she truly hope to become a “voice” for a new generation of progressive Republicans, a genuine agent of change, or is she just another fame-whore high on life in the public eye.
Missing question marks aside, these are all questions with obvious answers.
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