Bike Works

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I just thought it was a pretty little bike shop and was curious about the attractive new awning that creates dry storage space underneath for the bikes hanging on the wall. It wasn’t until I looked up Bike Works online that I found this is not just any common bike shop. Their mission: “To build sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling. We teach young people how to fix bikes, reward them with their own set of wheels, and provide affordable bicycle services to the community.” Wow! This repair shop cares about its Columbia City and Rainier Valley neighborhood youth and beyond. They also have ventures to benefit all of Seattle and also Ghana. They teach repair classes and riding skills as well as providing repair services, used bikes for sale and parts. They accept donations to support their youth programs and people can volunteer to help in several ways. You can see the small signs that direct you to the “shop” and “classroom,” and you can see the actual shop front here. What a great business and good neighbors the folks who run this seem to be. Is there anything like this in your area?