Ready for a puzzle? See if you can guess which of the following comments from Fox Nation’s story on Janet Napolitano are too outrageous to be real:

  • The whole Obama administration needs to be lined up in front of the Statue of Liberty, and face the firing squad …….OR send them to Gitmo for life and throw away the key!
  • She will get us all killed.
  • Good, I’m glad she insulted those Canadian Douche Bags, they hated Bush and love Obama, this is exactly what they deserve. Ha Ha, Canadians - osama hates you too.
  • Obama has a real problem with hiring those gangster types like Janet Mussolini Napolitano.
  • She need to be fired.

Give up? The answer, ha ha, is that it was a trick question! They’re all real! They’re all real comments on Fox Nation, the site which makes Free Republic seem reasonable and moderate. And there are more than 500 comments just like those, all equally… interesting, to say the least. Wow.

But, you know, as of this post, I think it’s officially too easy to go there and get retarded comments. It’s too comical.